Below are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing our products.
If you have other questions, please just send it to
Most of the products on this site, are hand-made to order. Various items take different amount of times to be made, if you contact us. We can give you up to date information on the progress of your order. If by chance the item is already made up, it will be sent out as soon as possible. Hand-Painted chess sets typically take 4 weeks to be finalised, so please keep that in mind when ordering.
We primarily use FedEx for any shipments abroad, or any standard UK shipments. If UK residents choose the cheaper shipping option of Royal Mail, please note it will likely be sent 1st or 2nd class without tracking. If you are unsure if we can ship to your country, just contact us and we can let you know.
We manufacture a wide variety of products, from miniature 1/12th scale replicas of crowns to hand-painted themed chess sets. If you are unsure whether a product is manufactured by us, just contact us for more information.
Our products are proudly manufactured in the idyllic sea-side location of Folkestone, created by a small skilled team.