Reproduction Coin - Viking - King Cnut Penny

SKU: 2022
Subtotal: £2.75

"Information On The Original Coin:
This Viking coin of the short cross type was struck in silver from the mint in York by the moneyer Arncetel. In 1018 Cnut exacted a geld (tax) to pay off his invasion fleet. In this way, large numbers of English-struck coins reached Scandanavia.

Information On The Coins Commisioner:
Son of Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark, Cnut was born in AD 944 and acclaimed King by the Danish fleet in England in 1014 but was forced to leave. He returned in 1015 and in 1016 agreed on a division of the country with Eadmund Ironsides, the son of Aethelred. No coins of Eadmund are known and on his death in November 1016 Cnut secured all England, marrying Emma of Normandy, widow of Aethelred.

Product Material:
Cast from fine English lead free pewter then bronze plated.

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